$80,893.00 Euro Currency plus Optional Extras

We are the NZ Agents for the Euro Fox range of LSA aircraft, and the factory announced today they had just rolled out their 700th aircraft.


The Euro­fox are fac­to­ry-built two-seat air­craft man­u­fac­tured by Aero­pro in Slo­va­kia. Aero­pro has been pro­duc­ing air­craft since 1990 with now over 500 air­craft now fly­ing around the world. The Euro­fox has mod­ern designs with excel­lent per­for­mance and fea­tures — built with the finest work­man­ship and mate­ri­als result­ing in a com­plet­ed air­craft of the high­est qual­i­ty. The Euro­FOX is a real air­craft in every respect. It is joy to fly and own, extreme­ly com­fort­able with respon­sive, coor­di­nat­ed con­trols which immerse the pilot in the plea­sure of flight. With class lead­ing vis­i­bil­i­ty, the Euro pro­vides true agili­ty and tremen­dous sat­is­fac­tion for the pilot and pas­sen­ger.

Avail­able with the world’s lead­ing aero engine for all LSA air­craft, the Rotax 912 series. The air­craft is a high wing STOL air­craft with class lead­ing han­dling, spec­i­fi­ca­tion, pay­load and per­for­mance that can­not be matched by its direct com­peti­tors. Hav­ing the widest under­car­riage in class, con­struct­ed in robust GRP, the air­craft is proven over decades with almost half a mil­lion land­ings. The Euro­FOX is a real fun and engag­ing air­craft capa­ble of oper­at­ing from the short­est and rough­est strips, whilst effi­cient­ly cruis­ing at 100 knots.

Features of the EuroFOX models include folding wings, tail wheel and glider tow options, Tundra tyres, choice of avionics and accessories.  Micro-light and light sport certification.


The fuse­lage is designed to pro­vide max­i­mum strength, pilot and pas­sen­ger com­fort, and ease of con­struc­tion. The canopy frame, engine attach points is enveloped in a high-strength, 4130 Chro­moly cage — the same steel used to man­u­fac­ture rifle bar­rels — pro­vid­ing an addi­tion­al lay­er of secu­ri­ty and safe­ty.

Power Plant

The Euro­fox in it’s stan­dard con­fig­u­ra­tion is pow­ered by Rotax engines 912 ULS 100hp, 912 UL 80hp, 912iS and 914 UL. There is also pos­si­bil­ties to install 912STi 154hp 182NM Turbo&EFI upgrade from Edge per­for­mance.

More details can be viewed on

EuroFox Walk around Video

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